Publication & Editorial Staff Contacts

Production Editor

Emily Bennison

Journal of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis Business Offices

4605 Woodcreek Dr Se
Kentwood, MI 49546, USA
Phone: +1-201-903-4967

Supporting Sectional Editors

Simone Mocellin, Italy

Jesus Alcaraz Rubio, Spain

Lucio Lo Russo, Italy

Osamu Tanaka, Japan

Rajdeep Das, San Francisco

Mohammed Y Almaghrabi, Saudi Arabia

Rahul Krishnatry, India

Madhulika Singh, India

Rachana, India

EL Habib Dakir, UK

Ahmed Abdel Khalek Abdel Razek, Egypt

Dongfeng (Dan) Tan, USA

Mansour Mehzad, Iran

Fazlul H. Sarkar, USA

Alok De, USA

Sergio Comincini, Italy

Jason Xiaojun Cheng, USA

Mian Wu, China

Julia Alejandra Pezuk, Brazil

Rajesh N. Gacche, India

Supporting Reviewers

Mohamed Ali, Egypt

Jonathan Cullis, UK

Yang Yang, USA

Kalkunte Srivenugopal, USA

Lakshya Mittal, USA

Jorge Sastre Serra, Spain

Xiaobo Zhang, China

Wei Xu, China

Taro Misaki, Japan

Giovanni Casella, Italy

Tao Sun, China

Zhong Lai-Ping, China

Michelangelo Pascale, Italy

John Leslie, USA

Andrea Piccin, Italy

Ruben Hernandez Alcoceba, Spain

Małgorzata Przybyło, Poland

Tihomir Kovac, Croatia

Wei Kang, China

Miroslaw Kornek, Germany

Deependra Singh, Finland

Aziza E Abdelrahman , Egypt

Sezer Okay, Turkey

Rubens L Monte Neto, Brazil

Zileli M, Turkey

Your questions and comments concerning our publication services are important to us and we would be happy to answer them at the earliest. We also make sure that your contact information remains secured.