Journal of Cancer Treatment & Diagnosis is an International peer-reviewed open access journal which is praised as the source for most up to date information related to cancer research & treatment including oncology, diagnosis and prevention of cancer.
The prior aim of the journal is to eradicate cancer from human population by providing sufficient information to the doctors about the rapid changes occurring in the field of cancer research& treatment in the form of comprehensive review articles on cancer topics and current issues that are related to cancer care.
JCTD covers up three broad categories mainly preclinical, clinical and translational research which focuses on bridging the gap between the basic and clinical sciences. The Editorial board is handled by leading physicians & scientists which makes cancer research as the chief source for clinicians to gather most of the valuable information throughout the research field.
It welcomes articles under primarily medical, technical and surgical divisions concerning supportive therapy and care which can behave as a substitute for basic cancer treatment at all stages of the disease.
The Journal provides a platform for communication between the physicians& the scientists regarding the new researches taking place which will help in understanding the philosophical aspects of cancer and in providing improved treatment & survival to patients.